Reclaiming Your Career Autonomy

As therapists, we enter our careers ready to help and serve.

But sometimes, after working in a heavily regulated industry for so long, there often comes a time where what we really want is the freedom to be able to do it the way that we want to do it.

That’s what’s so great about having a side hustle outside of traditional therapy. A side hustle is your opportunity to reclaim some career autonomy.

You can continue to help and serve but do so in a new, fresh, and expansive way.

Tune in to the latest podcast episode to discover why creating an online income stream is your ticket to increased career freedom.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Reclaiming Your Career Autonomy

As therapists, we enter our careers ready to help and serve.

But sometimes, after working in a heavily regulated industry for so long, there often comes a time where what we really want is the freedom to be able to do it the way that we want to do it.

That’s what’s so great about having a side hustle outside of traditional therapy. A side hustle is your opportunity to reclaim some career autonomy.

You can continue to help and serve but do so in a new, fresh, and expansive way.

Tune in to the latest podcast episode to discover why creating an online income stream is your ticket to increased career freedom.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Why You're Not Selfish for Wanting More

That therapist identity…

is strong tho.

Seriously, I don’t think I’ve encountered another profession in which a person’s work so wholly integrates into their sense of self.

And I actually think this is really beautiful. I mean, it’s this sense of calling that urges us to make people’s lives - and the world - better.

We dedicate ourselves to following the latest research, learning the most appropriate and effective modalities, and advocating for our clients. So that the work we do on a daily basis is the most impactful we can possibly make it. We truly drive change.

But, being a change-agent often comes at a cost.

With long hours, low pay, and heavy stories, there really are occupational hazards to being a therapist.

Because giving everything to our profession and our caseload to the detriment of ourselves doesn’t make us superheroes. It makes us martyrs.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The 4 Types of Motivation You Need to Grow Your Side Hustle

There are four types of motivation I commonly see with therapists who want to start a side hustle:

✔️ Money
✔️ Time
✔️ Energy
✔️ Values

In the latest podcast episode, I’m digging into those four key types of motivation and breaking them down.

Why? Because once you know your motivation for something, you can make informed decisions that are aligned with your key motivators so you can keep it moving in the right direction quickly and easily.

Tune in now and learn more.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Why It Doesn't Have to Take a Long Time to Grow Your Side Hustle

How soon would you like to make money from your side hustle?

Does it take a long time to grow your side hustle? Actually, that’s a myth.
It doesn’t take a ton of TIME to build a side hustle, but there are a lot of moving parts, and you need to know them to build a sustainable and long-lasting side hustle.

That’s right, there are also no shortcuts IF you want your business to be set up for longevity!

I want to help you set up a side hustle that lasts.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The Three Types of Time Your Side Hustle Need

In the past…

we’ve talked about the fact that reflection is the first step in starting any side hustle.

And with that being the case, I would definitely argue that getting organized is the second.

Whether you love planning, think it’s the most boring thing in the world, or find it overwhelming to sort out your tasks, creating a plan establishes a solid foundation for your side hustle’s success.

That doesn’t mean you need to create a cookie-cutter path and follow what everyone else is doing. The exact opposite actually,

Your side hustle plan needs to be your own, take your unique lifestyle into account, and work around what you already have going on in your life.

This bespoke nature will make it so your side hustle fits around your life - not the other way around.

What’s more, knowing which tasks are most important for your success ensures you use the time you carve out to actually make progress rather than spin your wheels.

Having a plan for your side hustle means that you won’t just find the time to accomplish things, but the energy and motivation to use that time well.

It’s about knowing what to work on when and how each action will move your needle forward.

So this week, I’m breaking down the three different types of time your side hustle requires. Then we’ll look at which types of tasks fall into each category and how the type of offer you choose dictates which type of time is most important.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Your Advantage for Starting a Side Hustle as a Therapist

Your secret skill as a therapist: marketing.

You may not have realized this before, but it’s true.

Marketing is all about highlighting the transformation process, and as a therapist you already have the language and skills to dive in deep on that topic.

Having the skills to market your business is one of the biggest advantages that you have in entrepreneurship. That considered, as a therapist you’re already primed to make an online income.

Discover more unique advantages you have as a therapist in starting a side hustle in the latest podcast episode.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Learn The Math Behind Shrinking Your Caseload

Ready to get your side hustle off the ground? Let's talk numbers so you can learn the math behind shrinking your caseload

Numbers can actually be really exciting, especially when you know what numbers to analyze when launching your side hustle.

The best benefit of analyzing the numbers is gaining insight into what's possible.

And when you know what's possible, you're much more likely to take action and follow through to make it happen.

Let’s work on gaining this insight and clarity so that you can increase your financial freedom, location freedom, and time freedom.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Should You Just Do "More" Therapy Instead of Launching a Side Hustle?

Should you just stick with therapy?

When considering starting your own side hustle, this question may have crossed your mind before.

This is your reminder that you can be a great clinician while also being a great...

✔️ Group facilitator
✔️ Course creator
✔️ Membership site owner

...or any of the other side hustle options you’ve thought to explore.

While you can completely transition into your side hustle, it isn’t required. You CAN continue in the therapy room while growing and maintaining an online income stream.

Tune in to the latest podcast episode if you’re still figuring out if stepping outside of the therapy room is right for you.

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Marissa LawtonComment