COACHING EPISODE: Latisha Chats Making A Plan

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The biggest contributor…

to overwhelm is not having a solid plan.

When our dreams feel too big, they can bring about anxiety and doubt so strong that we never even get started.

But when we can break these big picture thoughts into smaller, more manageable pieces, it is much easier to move forward.

I like to think of this as reverse engineering our vision.

We first have to have that big picture in mind, but from there we need to make it more concrete. To parse out specifics so that we know what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and how it all comes together to get us where we want to go.


This backwards planning acts as a roadmap, building in check points and guiding us to the final destination

On the podcast his week is another coaching episode where Latisha talks about making a plan. She’s been stagnant with her side hustle for a while because of negative self-talk. But after chatting through some action steps and coming up with a strategy, she feels much more confident pursuing her group program.


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