Is Your Brand Ready for 2020?

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How much thought have you put into…

the brand you are building?

Or maybe a more poignant question would be: did you even know you were building a brand?

As soon as potential customers come across your marketing messages, they judge you. They judge what they see, what they read, and what they feel when they interact with your website, your content, and your community.

Which means, any time you start a revenue stream - whether it’s your main business or your side hustle - you are getting a reputation.

Ignoring this fact and leaving this reputation up to chance is what leads to having a watered down or indistinguishable business. Which definitely doesn’t help you expand past private practice.

Instead, the act of continually cultivating this reputation is what’s known as consciously building your brand.

And while that sounds a bit nebulous and can definitely feel overwhelming, there really is a simple process of figuring out what you want to be know for and ensuring that is what potential customers experience when they comes across you and your online income stream.

Which is why this week I’m sharing my inside out approach to branding so you can feel confident what you put out in the world depicts the reputation you want.


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