STUDENT ROUNDTABLE: The Messy Middle of Building a Side Hustle
Choosing to start a side hustle…
looks different for everyone.
There are so many things to consider like the type of program you want to build, the amount of marketing you want to do, and the level of impact and income you want to make.
But the truth is, even though our minds go straight toward what this new venture will look like, these considerations are really secondary to what’s best to reflect on first.
The thing to focus on isn’t how great things will be once your online business is up and running, it’s what will happen to your existing lifestyle when you decide to take on something new.
Adding on a side hustle should be just that - ADDITIVE
But if you aren’t quite clear on what making space for something new looks like for you, you might be caught off guard with all the personal growing pains that happen when you grow your business.
So in this episode, I'm trying something I've never done before and showcasing three current students. Not alumni success stories, but three women with different journeys and different experiences to tell sharing the messy middle of creating their side hustle.
I hope you enjoy listening to Nicole, Kimberly, and Cary, that you hear a bit of yourself in these women’s stories, and that you're encouraged to start your side hustle.
And don't forget to Join our Side Hustle Schedule Challenge where you'll make the space for something new without sacrificing the things that matter.