Taking a Leap of Faith on Your Side Hustle

Some people say “start when you’re ready”, but not me.

“You may love it, you may hate it, but you won’t know until you try it.” - Me, encouraging you to get out of your own way, take a leap of faith, and just go for it.

If you’re struggling with this, I understand. So many people are scared to take the leap and start their side hustle because underneath it all, they really lack trust in themselves.

Our failures aren’t anything to be afraid of, just lessons that help us learn.

You can move past your lack of self-trust and your fear of rejection, and learn to pivot and adapt.

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You're Not Selfish for Wanting More

That therapist identity…

is strong tho.

Seriously, I don’t think I’ve encountered another profession in which a person’s work so wholly integrates into their sense of self.

And I actually think this is really beautiful. I mean, it’s this sense of calling that urges us to make people’s lives - and the world - better.

We dedicate ourselves to following the latest research, learning the most appropriate and effective modalities, and advocating for our clients. So that the work we do on a daily basis is the most impactful we can possibly make it. We truly drive change.

But, being a change-agent often comes at a cost.

With long hours, low pay, and heavy stories, there really are occupational hazards to being a therapist.

Because giving everything to our profession and our caseload to the detriment of ourselves doesn’t make us superheroes. It makes us martyrs.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The Story Behind Zynnyne with Kelly Higdon

If your heart is set on having a side hustle, you deserve the opportunity to succeed

Fears of failure got you down? You’re not alone. 2021 started out rough, to say the least.

That’s why it’s such a joy to bring on guests like Kelly Higdon, one half of the badass duo Kelly and Miranda who founded Zynnyme. Kelly’s willingness to take leaps of faith is super inspiring. Not to mention, she is wise beyond her years and has lots of advice for anyone just starting out on their side hustle journey.

In this episode we talk fear of failure, surviving imposter syndrome, virtual retreats, and letting data guide your decisions rather than the opinions of others. You won’t wanna miss this one!

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Marissa LawtonComment
The Difference Between a Hobby, Jobby and a Business

What role does your side hustle play in your life? Is it something small for extra spending money or do you have big ambitions? Both are okay!

Everyone has their own reasons for pursuing a side hustle, whether it’s paying off student loans (hello, most of us in this field are seriously crippled with debt!), saving for that dream second honeymoon in Paris, or downsizing your client pool.

What everyone has in common is the fear of failure. This is totally normal!

If you’re scared you might have an idea too big and there aren’t enough hours in the day, you’re not alone. In this episode I talk about scaling back you dreams to smaller and more manageable increments, planning for your long-term goals, and celebrating the small victories.

No matter your side hustle goals, I’m here to help. I hope this episode tides you guys over until next week’s 100TH EPISODE! (WHAT?!)

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Marissa LawtonComment
Copywriting for Clinicians with Jenn Fredette

Meet Jenn Fredette, the clinician-turned-copywriter who helps you land your ideal client… and believes it’s okay to say “f*ck.”

If your idea of a therapy room still involves a white-haired man in a tweed suit, you just haven’t met Jenn Fredette yet. It is my pleasure to introduce my longtime friend in my latest podcast episode.

Jenn Fredette worked as a clinician before moving into the niche copywriting space and now offers guidance to therapists looking to rebrand themselves. Her name of the game is radical authenticity.

We love that kind of thing around here, so I have a feeling you guys are going to connect with Jenn. She’s fun, wise, and not afraid to crack a joke in session. Dream therapist, amirite?

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Marissa LawtonComment
Different Types of Memberships

Different business models demand energy in different places, from marketing to delivery.

Membership sites have been popular for years now and they aren't going away any time soon. They allow entrepreneurs like you to build community, share your skills, and even have the potential for passive income.

This isn't the first time I've talked about memberships on the podcast and I'm sure it won't be the last.

With more therapists looking to diversify with ease in the COVID age, I’m taking a look at a recurring revenue stream by diving deep into the pros and cons and different delivery methods of membership sites.

This episode covers:

  • The scalability factor

  • Different types of membership sites

  • How to keep making money through the peaks and valleys and

  • How on earth you can come up with original content.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Feel Good About Money with Megan Hale

Think about money for a second: what emotions do you feel? Anxious, excited, pressured?

Hustle culture is the bane of a psychotherapist’s existence. As holistic healers, we know a work-life balance is crucial to a fulfilling existence. We know we need our self-care days. But when it comes to money, are we applying the same key principles? Our financial life, just like our relationships, can suffer when we practice unhealthy attachment styles.

We talk about all this and more on this week’s episode of Empathy Rising featuring my dear friend Megan Hale. She’s been enriching my life for years since we both pivoted from the psychotherapeutic space to entrepreneurship a few years back.

Megan shares the wisdom that reflects her heart, passion, and knowledge about how to build a healthy relationship with your $$$ in this podcast episode.

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Biz Chat with Dr. Amber Lyda

Did 2020 affect your business?

There are probably a lot of hell yesses!

In the latest episode of Empathy Rising, I sat down with the lovely and whip smart Dr. Amber Lyda to chat about all things online business. ☕️ Just two good friends, sitting down for a coffee and recapping everything that happened last year and how we’re shifting things in 2021.

It can feel so great to hear that others may be having the same struggles in business and to learn what they’re doing to overcome them, and that’s what this chit-chat episode is all about.

This episode left me feeling so inspired for the new business year, and I know you’ll feel it too. So curl up with a cozy drink and join us for some business insights and of course, some laughs!

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