Behind The Scenes: My Summer Schedule

My summer values are: spontaneity, leisure, freshness, presence, enjoyment

One of the most beautiful things about having your own reliable income source is that you don’t rely on trading your time for money. In the summer, that can translate to more fun, more spontaneity, and more quality time with the people you love.

Listen to find out how I’m managing my summer schedule in the latest podcast episode. It’s a behind-the-scenes look into how I’m balancing my business with a lighter summertime feel

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Marissa LawtonComment
Your Niche Unlocks Everything About Your Side Hustle

Why is niching so critical to your side hustle?

Are you worried about niching? When starting a side hustle, niching can feel like you’re building a fence that cuts people out.

But that’s not how it works - let me explain...

What determines your success isn’t casting the net wide, but going deep. Niching is your opportunity to get to know your clients on a deeper level.

This means you can talk to them in a way that really resonates. That’s just one reason why determining your audience is so important!

Here's to unlocking your niche!

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Marissa LawtonComment
Julie Herres Chats Side Hustle Finances

Starting a side hustle can be SO exciting.

So many of you have reached out to me asking about business entities, setting up separate businesses, and how to prepare for tax time.

I know this information is so valuable, especially when you’re starting your side hustle!

I decided to bring Julie Herres of Green Oak Accounting onto my podcast so she could break it all down for us.

She shared such amazing information and tips on how you can run your business better on the back end.

If you want to get ahead of the game and be prepared come tax time, listen to the episode now.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Biz Bestie Chat with Amber Lyda

One minute we’re talking all things business, the next thing you know I’m spilling secrets on what’s coming next.

I revealed a little more than I thought I would about the changes happening in my business on the latest episode of Empathy Rising.

I guess that’s what happens when two business besties start chatting.

We dive into so much more and in one episode basically cover how our businesses have evolved over the last quarter and this past year.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Done For You Services: Jessica Tappana Chats Therapist SEO

Do you have a talent or service you're good at that you've thought of charging money for?

I love hearing success stories from those who have taken the leap and actually started their own side hustle.

So many times the end result goes BEYOND what the person imagined in their wildest dreams!

Tune in to the latest podcast to find out how therapist Jessica Tappana’s interest in SEO went from a side hustle to a full-fledged business with multiple employees.

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Marissa LawtonComment
It Doesn't Have to Take a Long Time to Grow Your Side Hustle

How soon would you like to make money from your side hustle?

Does it take a long time to grow your side hustle? Actually, that’s a myth.
It doesn’t take a ton of TIME to build a side hustle, but there are a lot of moving parts, and you need to know them to build a sustainable and long-lasting side hustle.

That’s right, there are also no shortcuts IF you want your business to be set up for longevity!

I want to help you set up a side hustle that lasts.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The Math Behind Shrinking Your Caseload

Ready to get your side hustle off the ground? Let's talk numbers so you can learn the math behind shrinking your caseload

Numbers can actually be really exciting, especially when you know what numbers to analyze when launching your side hustle.

The best benefit of analyzing the numbers is gaining insight into what's possible.

And when you know what's possible, you're much more likely to take action and follow through to make it happen.

Let’s work on gaining this insight and clarity so that you can increase your financial freedom, location freedom, and time freedom.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Making a Guarantee with Your Online Program

I know that promises are a big no-no in therapy, but in online income they’re essential.

Have you ever had buyer’s remorse? Buying something that doesn’t deliver on what it promises can just about ensure disappointment.

Don’t let this happen with your side hustle! To avoid buyer’s remorse (and seller’s remorse) you need to craft your guarantee thoughtfully, and be sure that you can deliver on your promise.

Not only will this increase the confidence in your offer (you know exactly what you’re offering), but also reduce the possibility for buyer’s remorse because you’ve set clear expectations with the buyer already.

It’s so important to nail this! Discover how you can create a very intentional promise on the latest podcast episode.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Making Conscious Decisions Around Your Side Hustle

Do you ever struggle with decision fatigue? I know I have!

Then last year, I read an article that changed everything. This article actually helped me form a three-step process that helps you make decisions that feel conscious, true, and authentic.

I use this process all the time, and I’m excited to share it with you. I know it’s really going to come in handy, especially when you’re making big side hustle decisions!

Learn more about this decision making process and how you can use it too in my latest podcast episode.

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