Collaborating to Grow Your Side Hustle

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Your net worth…

is in your network.

Which is basically a fancy way of saying that the connections and relationships you build while growing your side hustle are a huge factor in your success.

There is absolutely value and merit to your knowledge, your expertise, and your worldview. But relying solely on these individual strengths will only get you so far on the path of building your side hustle.

It’s like to old adage says, "if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far go together."

You can certainly forge ahead on your own, and you can see great results, but it truly is the partnerships in your business that will help you see tremendous growth.

That’s not to say you need to spend all of your time, effort, or energy making connections.

It’s not about having A TON of relationships, its about having quality relationships.

And it’s worth it to intentionally invest in a few key people to go along on the journey with you.

In today's episode, we’re continuing the conversation from the past few weeks to make big leaps in our side hustles and move beyond imposter syndrome by turning our competitors into contemporaries and collaborators.


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