How Podcasting Changed My Business

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I really love sharing…

behind the scenes episodes.

It’s a joy for me to open up the vault so to speak and show you exactly how I implement all of the marketing tactics and strategies we talk about on this show.

Not only that, it’s important to me that I depict what works for me - and what doesn’t - as I build my online business.

See, it’s not only about strategy, it’s about lifestyle.

And no matter how effective or trendy some business technique may be, if it’s not something that brings ease into growing your side hustle, it’s not something that’s going to bring results.

We have to weigh the reward with the effort, energy, time, and other investments it takes to make it happen.

Which is why I feel so strongly about podcasting as my marketing channel.

It’s the only marketing platform that fits into my life right now and allows me to teach and share freely. And it’s the fact that I can settle in and show up so authentically that I have such great results.

So this week, I’m breaking down exactly how having a podcast has changed my business. I share the strategies I tried in the past and why they didn’t work for me, and I also dive into audience growth and revenue numbers to give you an accurate look at how having this show had built my business.


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