The Form & Function of a High-Converting Homepage
Your homepage is arguably the most important page on your website…
as it is the first impression a person will have with you and your practice.
It is the first aspect of your online home that potential clients will encounter and it is the place to affirm to affirm both their hopes and their pains.
If you fail to do that, the person you really want on your caseload is likely to click off of your site and head to another clinician’s.
In fact, a poorly written homepage gives off a bad first impression
It confuses readers
And potential clients aren’t able to tell if they can be helped or even if you are the right person to help them.
Ultimately a confusing homepage leaves the reader with doubt.
Doubt about your practice
But also, and maybe more damaging, doubt about themselves, and the potential for their presenting problem to get better.
That’s why this week I’m sharing some best practices about your website’s homepage. How you should format it and also how it should function.