The Single Misguided Belief Preventing You From Marketing Your Private Practice

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The entrepreneurial spirit…

is pretty amazing.

Business owners are some of the strongest, most dynamic, and effective people I know..

But there’s a dark side to entrepreneurship as well.

The most damaging part being when we get too caught up in this drive to succeed and our identity becomes intertwined with the results instead of the journey.

When we’re in that place where we tie our happiness and sense of worth to our accomplishments, it can be really difficult to look at our practices with an objective viewpoint.

What’s worse, is that being wrapped up in the success of your practice is only taking you further away from this goal because you aren’t able to bring your best qualities to building your business - especially marketing.

I don’t see myself ever being an employee again.

But there are definite ways I need to separate myself from my business in order to take care of my mental health. And I’m sharing my favorties in this episode.


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And Check out these related posts!

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