Visibility Part One: The KEY to an Online Income Stream
Every business needs…
If people do not know what you sell and why they should buy it, there is no reason for them to become a client or customer.
On the other hand, if potential buyers have a clear idea of who you are and why you are capable of solving their problems, they are able to find you and follow along (read: join your audience). And as your audience grows, the more credibility you gain and the more sales you make.
In fact, the single most indicative factor of whether your online income stream will succeed is if you are front of mind.
This could mean being seen as a legitimate resource by others in your niche, or past coaching clients, students, or membership members recommending your program to others. Either way, you can’t start drawing in ideal customers if you don’t stand up, stake your claim, and become known for what it is you do.
This week’s episode is part one of a two-part series on visibility. I strip it down and explain exactly what it means to be visible, how it works to build your audience, and why it is the key to making online income work.
And if you like the sound of that, I’ll be taking this concept even further by providing you with an exact visibility plan in the Back 2 Business School Summit.
You can join us the FREE summit here:
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