The 5 Best Blog Posts to Market a Therapy Practice


A few weeks ago, we talked all about where to find topics for your therapy blog. If you missed out on that video, you can check it out right here.

One of the best parts about being a therapist and having direct access to your ideal client on a regular basis is that it's really hard to run out of ideas to write about. All you have to do is head to your clinical notes, your intake paperwork, hell even your textbooks from grad school to come up with a ton of inspiration.

The disconnect, however, often comes when it's time to take the idea from out of your head and put it onto the page. In fact, actually cranking out 2000+ words that are going to ping the interest of search engine robots, and then making sure it's evergreen, can be so intimidating, that most clinicians end up starting at a blank screen rather than actually creating marketing content.

But, I find that with a little guidance and an easy-to-follow framework, writing posts that draw in and convert ideal clients isn't so overwhelming.  

So that's why this week, I'm breaking down the five best types of blog posts to have on your website that will actually work as stand-alone marketing pieces.

You'll learn about:

01. Education Posts

02. How-To Posts

03. Top 10 Posts

04. Case Study Posts

05. Ultimate Guide Posts

And we'll also dive into their structure and why they work.

Click below to watch!

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And Check out these related posts!

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