How To Increase Engagement on your Practice's Facebook Page


One of the first places therapists go to market their private practices online is Facebook.

It makes sense since this social media has over 2 Billion active users and pretty much every demographic possible is represented on the platform. 

Creating a Facebook business page for your practice is pretty much a no-brainer these days. Not only does it function as an online business card, housing all of your practice's digital data (location, phone number, hours of operation, etc...), Facebook also has the ability to function as a directory of sorts for your practice.

That's right, just like Psychology Today, your Facebook page has the potential to show up at the top of Google rankings. What's more, you actually have control over what you put on your page and have a greater influence on others seeing it. WAY more than you can say about your passive PT profile.

Another win for creating consistent, on-brand content!

But whether you want to be found by ideal clients on Facebook itself, or through a Google search, there are certain steps to ensure you use your page as a successful marketing tool.

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