Slow Marketing: It's Not All About Bigger or Faster

It’s no secret…

that as entrepreneurs we have a bit of a competitive streak. We’re ambitious and our aspirations matter to us.

But, that does not mean we have to give into the pressure to build bigger practices faster…

You do not have to build a group practice that feels more like a conglomeration that a place that helps people. You do not have to see so many clients your eyes cross by the end of the day, and you don’t have to squeeze them all in back-to-back so you hardly have any time left in the day to pee let alone eat a decent lunch, do your notes, or take a little bit of down time to decompress.

In fact, there is a stealthy movement in the marketing world that is starting to combat this idea of more is more. Slow marketing is all about congruence. About building the business that is right for you and promoting it in a way that makes sense for those of us who have big goals but also have big hearts.

And in this episode I take amoment to apply slow marketing to therapy practices.


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