Online Income Challenges: Dr. Amber Lyda Chats Systems, Structure & Sales
Sometimes we jump in…
with both feet without really knowing what’s in the water.
And when you’ve got a great entrepreneurial idea that catches on like wildfire, it can be tempting to follow its lead wherever it takes you. Especially if that lead is toward a whole bunch of money.
But, eventually, a by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach is going to catch up with you and leave you scrambling for some sense of order in your business.
Real, sustainable growth comes from implementing systems.
Whether you start using them in your online business from the very beginning, or put them in place when the income starts flowing, it’s important to be able to streamline and replicate the things that bring you results.
This week, I’m talking with Dr. Amber Lyda, a successful clinical psychologist in Florida who also runs The Online Therapist Group, a thriving facebook community for therapists who want to take their therapy practices online. We talk about how passion drove her to a six-figure online business but how she often felt like she was throwing spaghetti on the wall.
Tune in to hear how being a student in Side Hustle Support Group helped her build structure into her chaotic business so she could grow more predictably.