6 Not-So-Obvious Reasons You Need to Blog to Build Your Private Practice


When you decide to go into private practice, the advice for building a thriving business is everywhere. In fact, there are often so many voices shouting so many different things that it's really hard to filter through and pick out what you need to pay attention to.

Unfortunately, today I'm going to add a bit to that noise, but not without reason.

The truth is, if you want to have a private practice that stands out online. You MUST be creating consistent content. Now, I refer to this as blogging, but the medium you use to create your content - whether that is a podcast, video marketing, or written blog posts - does not actually matter. What matters is that you are regularly publishing new content on your website.

You may be aware that blogging absolutely boosts your ranking on Google and gets you noticed by search engines. And it also boosts your credibility online.

But there are also some not-so-obvious reasons blogging is essential to marketing your practice online:

approachable expertise

ownership of your marketing

ongoing client generation

sleaze-less sales

repeat exposure

being just a few. So this week, we're diving deeper into the reasons blogging builds your practice that you might not be aware of.

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