My Three Favorite Places to Find Therapy Blog Ideas
One of the biggest barriers I hear from my fellow therapists about creating consistent content is coming up with ideas to write about. It's easy to think of one of two things that your ideal client might find interesting. But to do it on a weekly basis, over and over again is much more daunting.
But, if I'm honest, I think there's another reason entirely why therapists have difficulty coming up with what to write about. And that's the feeling of inadequacy. It takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to write an SEO optimized blog post that has the potential to convert your ideal reader into your ideal client. And it takes even more self-assuredness to publish it.
I think many of us are experts in our industry, but have a great bit of discomfort stepping into that expertise and owning just how awesome we are. Plus, it can feel ethically grey to toot our own horns all the time. Lastly, there's the worry that after mustering the courage to write and publish that anyone is even going to want to read it.
So, I recorded this video for all of us who battle our own feelings of inferiority and also for those who just want to have an endless supply of blog ideas.
Because the truth is, every time a client comes in for session, they are giving us niched-down tailored made fodder for our marketing materials. In fact, there are likely three places to find the best blog post topics staring you right in your face every time you sit down in your office.
Ready for them? Everything you need to write the most highly-converting, interesting, and expertise-proving blog posts can be found in your
1. Case Notes
2. Intake Paperwork
3. Case Consultation
After watching this video I hope you see that you already have all of the tools you need to have an endless supply of blog posts ideas. And if you're going to be collecting data and taking notes anyway, you might as well make the information work for you!