Behind The Scenes: Heartfelt Homepage 5 Day Event

I love to celebrate…

my students.

Nothing makes me happier than when I see a therapist recognize how much their passion and their purpose have to do with how they serve their clients.

And on top of that, I think it’s pretty magical when the discover how these pieces of themselves bring something special to their marketing.

So I’m taking a moment to highlight some exceptional growth - both business and personal - that came out of the Heartfelt Homepage event.

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The Form & Function of a High-Converting Homepage

The entrepreneurial spirit…

is pretty amazing.

Business owners are some of the strongest, most dynamic, and effective people I know..

But there’s a dark side to entrepreneurship as well.

The most damaging part being when we get too caught up in this drive to succeed and our identity becomes intertwined with the results instead of the journey.

When we’re in that place where we tie our happiness and sense of worth to our accomplishments, it can be really difficult to look at our practices with an objective viewpoint.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The Single Misguided Belief Preventing You From Marketing Your Private Practice

The entrepreneurial spirit…

is pretty amazing.

Business owners are some of the strongest, most dynamic, and effective people I know..

But there’s a dark side to entrepreneurship as well.

The most damaging part being when we get too caught up in this drive to succeed and our identity becomes intertwined with the results instead of the journey.

When we’re in that place where we tie our happiness and sense of worth to our accomplishments, it can be really difficult to look at our practices with an objective viewpoint.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The 7 Website Mistakes that are Costing You Therapy Clients

There’s no getting around it…

in 2019 you need a website.

Believe me, no one uses The Yellow Pages anymore. And, even if you give someone your business card, it goes straight into the person’s purse or wallet never to be seen again. Today, if someone is seeking even the most basic of informtion about your practice, like trying to remember your address or check your business hours, they are pulling out their phone and looking you up online.

The truth is, your website is one of the marketing features of your practice that has the most potential.

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Marissa LawtonComment
COACHING EPISODE: ideal client, brand message, & blogging

Starting a private practice…

brings up all kinds of questions.

And while there’s definitely something to listening and following experts in the field, sometimes these leaders are a bit further removed from our struggles.

In contrast, learning from your peers can bridge this experience gap and give you a change to get ideas that are more appropriate for your stage of practice-building.

This is especially true when it comes to finding marketing strategies that work for you and your practice - even as a newbie.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Should Every Blog be a Marketing Asset?

Doing the same thing over and over…

can start to get really freaking boring.

And when you’re writing a different version of the same 2000 words on a weekly basis, bllogging can start to feel like a chore rather than an enjoyable way to market your private practice.

Now, while I’m the queen of type-A structure and systems, I do agree that incorporating variety into your blogging strategy is a must. First, it keeps you from getting bored. And it also allows you clients to binge on the content you’ve created and start to get a clear sense of what it would be like to work with you.

But does every single, solitary blog post you write have to be a marketing asset?

On this episode, I talk about the five types of blog posts that work really well for a therapy practice, how to make sure you have variety on your blog, and share whether everything you write has to have a pre-defined purpose.

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