You Don't Have to Trade Dollars for Hours

When in doubt…

fall back on what you know.

Except for online income.

When it comes time to set the price for our online offers, we tend to rely on the same structure we’ve always relied on: directly exchanging our time for money.

We take a look at our coaching packages, count up how many calls we’ll be doing, double our hourly rate and call it good. We think about how many modules will be inside our course, decide how long it will take to build, multiply that by our therapeutic hour and feel confident it’s priced right.

But doing what we’ve always done is doing ourselves a disservice when it comes to building an online income stream.

Because we’ll never have time freedom if every dollar we make is tied to a clock.

Instead, we need to take a look at other factors like the market place, transformational value, and return on investment when we determine what to charge.

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Marissa LawtonComment
How I Run My Online Biz for $130 per Month

Having a clear idea of your monthly expenses…

sets your online income stream up for success.

When you know what you need to spend on your overhead, you can start to make projections for how much money you want to bring home each month.

What’s more, keeping track of your operating expenses makes your online business feel more legitimate. Like it’s no longer a hobby and like it’s something that is going to be a sustainable part of your lifestyle.

The tricky part is knowing which expenses are necessary, which are extra, and which are a total waste of money.

When it comes to online income there are just so many options out there, it’s hard to choose which tools, software, and other platforms to spend your money on.

So this week I’m peeling back the curtain and taking you behind the scenes of exactly what I spend my money on (and how much I invest) to keep my business running.

You’ll see which tools I use and which I think are silly.

Plus, I give you a peek at how my business is changing next year and what that means for my overhead as I continue to grow to this new level.

So, if you’re wondering what’s essential to make money online, or just wanting to reexamine how profitable you online business is, tune in.

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Marissa LawtonComment
COACHING EPISODE: Kim Daniels Chats Imperfect Action

How do you respond…

when something doesn’t come easy?

Do you take it as a sign to rise to the challenge or as an indication that your desire was more of a whim than something to take seriously?

In business, this is a fine line for me. I’m a pretty quick starter and am fast to act on a good idea. But once in a while, even the tiniest details can stop me in my tracks and make it feel much less like flow and much more like forcing it.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Visibility Part Two: Get Comfortable Even as an Introvert or HSP

Every business needs…


If people do not know what you sell and why they should buy it, there is no reason for them to become a client or customer.

On the other hand, if potential buyers have a clear idea of who you are and why you are capable of solving their problems, they are able to find you and follow along (read: join your audience). And as your audience grows, the more credibility you gain and the more sales you make.

In fact, the single most indicative factor of whether your online income stream will succeed is if you are front of mind.

This could mean being seen as a legitimate resource by others in your niche, or past coaching clients, students, or membership members recommending your program to others. Either way, you can’t start drawing in ideal customers if you don’t stand up, stake your claim, and become known for what it is you do.

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Marissa LawtonComment
Visibility Part One: The KEY to an Online Income Stream

Every business needs…


If people do not know what you sell and why they should buy it, there is no reason for them to become a client or customer.

On the other hand, if potential buyers have a clear idea of who you are and why you are capable of solving their problems, they are able to find you and follow along (read: join your audience). And as your audience grows, the more credibility you gain and the more sales you make.

In fact, the single most indicative factor of whether your online income stream will succeed is if you are front of mind.

This could mean being seen as a legitimate resource by others in your niche, or past coaching clients, students, or membership members recommending your program to others. Either way, you can’t start drawing in ideal customers if you don’t stand up, stake your claim, and become known for what it is you do.

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Marissa LawtonComment
What Exactly is a Sales Funnel?

Therapists often wonder…

what the difference is between therapy and coaching.

Of course, there are the legal and ethical concerns which tend to be more fuzzy with coaching than with other online offers like courses, membership sites, and group programs.

But once we work through that, and clinicians feel more comfortable coming up with a coaching offer, the questions become more about the practice of coaching. What do I avoid talking about? Are there things I can and cannot do when coaching that I can with therapy? Or, is the opposite true?

The angst adding coaching brings up is almost as strong as it was as a brand new intern.

But what’s interesting is, it’s not the skillset that changes all that much. It’s the mindset.

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Marissa LawtonComment
The Art of Coaching with Lee Chaix McDonough

Therapists often wonder…

what the difference is between therapy and coaching.

Of course, there are the legal and ethical concerns which tend to be more fuzzy with coaching than with other online offers like courses, membership sites, and group programs.

But once we work through that, and clinicians feel more comfortable coming up with a coaching offer, the questions become more about the practice of coaching. What do I avoid talking about? Are there things I can and cannot do when coaching that I can with therapy? Or, is the opposite true?

The angst adding coaching brings up is almost as strong as it was as a brand new intern.

But what’s interesting is, it’s not the skillset that changes all that much. It’s the mindset.

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Marissa LawtonComment
COACHING EPISODE: Focusing When You're Doing Too Much

Often, the very advice we need to hear ourselves…

is what we’re offering to our coaching clients or packaging up into an online program for our customers.

Shiny Object Syndrome is no joke and when it comes to getting an online business off the ground, there are so many possible strategies that can bring success that it’s hard to choose a path - and even harder to stay on it without getting distracted.

Whether you plan to take advantage of content marketing, capitalize on visibility, build relationships with your customer base, or combine all three, there are multiple routes to a thriving online income stream.

No matter what plan you put in place, it’s important to stick with it so you know what’s working.

The more you try to do, the more variables you introduce, and the more difficult it is to know what’s working in your business and how to replicate it.

In this week’s episode, I’m chatting with a client of mine, Shelley, a counseling intern in Florida who also has a business as a sober living coach. She’s had incredible audience growth in a short time and is ready to learn how to take them from followers to customers.

We chat through her existing sales funnel, the things she’s doing that are detracting from her growth, and how she can streamline to see even better results.


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Marissa LawtonComment
Life & Biz UPDATE: Radical Changes in My Schedule, Systems, & Structure

Moving across country…

kicked my ass.

I’m still reeling from this disaster of a move and there are a lot of changes I’ve had to make to my life and business pretty much on the fly.

And, as an achiever-type who feels like anything other than moving forward is standing still, it’s been hard for me to see this mandatory pause as anything but unwelcome.

But sometimes the universe gives you exactly what you need, and in my case it’s been a proverbial stop sign.

I’m trying to tune into the messages I’ve been receiving and to actually honor what they are trying to say rather than push through like I normally do.

And it’s HARD.

So this week, I’m sharing all of the ugly things and the secretly wonderful things that have come up these past few weeks as well as some new changes that are coming in both life and business.


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